Earning Ecosystem

Playing & Earning requirements

There are two methodologies for playing & earning in Gunstar Metaverse

  1. Free to Play: aiming to provide a gaming experience to all players, Gunstar Metaverse provides a free pet - Rosaging.

    • Rosaging is a Trial-class pet provided to all players after creating the Game account by default.

    • Rosaging can be used in PvE game mode in the mainnet version and PvP mode released in the next updates.

    • Rosaging can be used in all Game activities likely other Pet classes.

    • Rosaging isn't NFT Pet and can't be sold on Marketplace.

    • Rosaging is weaker than all other pets, it's meant for new players to try out the game, not for a long term pet.

  2. Play to Earn: we aim to have stabilized earning Ecosystem for the long term. Gunstar Metaverse has researched and studied the Gamefi market to develop in-game money flows (GSC token) that allow us to control the inflation and deflation rates over time with our full features.

    • Players need at least 2 NFT pets to be able to withdraw GSC out of the game

    • It takes XX days to withdraw GSC out of the game which counts from the moment when the NFT pets (at least 2) are sent to the Player's wallet following example:

      • IF players buy pet A (remaining time 3 days 10 hours on marketplace) & pet B (remaining time 1 day 5 hours on marketplace). Players transfer them to in-game and they only need 3 days 10 hours to withdraw the GSC

      • IF players own pet A in-game over than 7 days & buy pet B (remaining time 1 day 5 hours on the marketplace). Players transfer them to in-game and they only need 1 day 5 hours to withdraw the GSC

    • Targeting to reduce the Selling Pressure that causes a major impact on GSC price then to the whole Starworld, we apply the GSC withdrawal (20% of earning for a day can be withdrawn at the 7th-day counting since 1st day earned). Example available over atGSC Withdrawals

SPENDING in-game mechanism

When players spend GSC for activities such as Upgrading pet level, Fortune wheel, House rental fee (upcoming updates)... the GSC will be minus in Lock Wallet in priority then Available wallet. The deduct system will be followed as examples above.

Last updated

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